Unidentified pants contents
(and no it's not a penis!)
Ok so following on from the mascara incident - I discovered, late today, what can only be described as a 'thing' in my pants!
I have NO clue what it was and I'm almost certain it didn't come from me. I can only describe it as a cross between a peanut skin (you know the inner little bronzey coloured husk, not the shell) and a part of cherry, like you'd get in a muffin.
Now I did have a cherry cookie the other day (and yummers it was too) but that was like 3 days ago and I don't generally spend my time shoving cherries down my pants *insert witty/sarky comment here* or indeed have discovered my hidden talent of 'expelling' cherries from my lady bits.
I'm waiting to see what'll appear next.....grape, orange, melon, fruit salad?
Anyone wanna place a bet?
If it's something edible I wouldn't complain!
Thankingye for the timewarp Jools. Not Swades best, but it did take me back to being about 21. Ooh, me lumbago....
As for foodstuff in ones undercrackers.....
I predict a pomegranate and two Ugli Fruit in the coming days. You walking health food shop you..... ;D
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