20 August 2007

is there anything sadder than.....

31 Jul 2007

a 30+ female with no hope of forming a loving and sexually liberated relationship, wandering round Ann Summers by herself, sighing dejectedly and wondering if at least the cats would like to play with the tassles?

*Is it really that bad when you start to imagine having pussy rub on your jelly and ice cream?


llewtrah said...

I bought an Ann Summers bullwhip. It's crap (really poor quality leather) so it is now a cat toy/ornament. A good quality bullwhip is a joy to crack even if it scares the bejasus out of the neighbours.

West said...

"you start to imagine having pussy rub on your jelly and ice cream"

I must say, the "pussy rub" sounds much more interesting than the bullwhip, Jools.


L.U.V. on ya,


Anonymous said...

Oh mate, sounds weird, whats a pussy rub? cheers