Show me the way to the sprouts
Have just learnt that some top boffins in Germany are trialing a new sat nav tool for supermarkets. A kind of widget sits on your trolley and once you've entered your shopping list Bob's your Mum's brother and off you go round the supermarket to find all your luscious goodies. However has no one spotted the flaw regarding the type of people who actually make lists for shopping (i.e. women and the anally retentive). We'd all be converging on shoes and chocolate (some sort of roundabout/traffic light system would surely need to be introduced) and the poor old sprouts would never get any visitors. Am I the only one who gives hand directions in supermarkets? (no not the roode ones). I mean whenever I get hold of one of those dinky children's trolleys I always stick me arm out at right angles so people can see where I'm headed! I also have a sneaking suspicion that I may be the only person who goes 'spinning' down clear aisles. It's just such a rare treat to find an aisle with no one in it that it just begs for someone to make full use of the space, hence the spinning with Gay abandon (although who she is I have no idea but she seems to join me at the most inappropriate times).
*Just realised that I have my knickers on sideways. It was early, it was dark and I was going for a jog...see yet another reason not to do exercise!
Ah no, not quite alone; spinning and trolley races have been common practice here for generations, since the first wooden trolley was built (or whatever).
I've met Gay too, great fun ;0)
You were going for a early morning jog in sideways-on pants?? Controversial!
How do you get pants on sideways?
Honestly don't ask, it was very early and I was in a hurry and I just grabbed the nearest pair, and the 3 parts of the triangle just kind of went in a different direction than they're used to! Did think it was a wee bit uncomfortable.
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